Center for the Advancement of Well-Being

Thriving Activist Toolkit

Thriving Activist Toolkit

By: CWB Senior Scholar Paul Gorski 

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Activists who work for well-being causes can significantly change our world for the better. However, activism can be a stressful process — so it’s vital for activists to manage stress well by investing in their own well-being while they’re working for the well-being of others. Use these resources to help people overcome activist burnout.

Research Studies on Activist Burnout

(Funded by the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being)

“Frayed All Over”: The Causes and Consequences of Activist Burnout Among Social Justice Education Activists by Paul Gorski and Cher Chen

Burnout in Social Justice and Human Rights Activists: Symptoms, Causes, and Implications by Cher Chen and Paul Gorski

Relieving Burnout and the “Martyr Syndrome” Among Social Justice Education Activists: The Implications and Effects of Mindfulness by Paul Gorski

Articles and Brochures

“Fighting Racism, Battling Burnout: Causes of Activist Burnout in US Racial Justice Activists” by Paul Gorski

“21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge” by America & Moore, LLC

“What’s the Point of Revolution if We Can’t Dance?” by Jane Barry with Jelena Dordevic

“How Do We Keep Going? Activist Burnout and Personal Sustainability in Social Movements” by Laurence Cox

“A Rose by Any Other Name: Repressive Tolerance, Burnout, and Hope in the New West” by Gregory Lowan-Trudeau

“Promoting self care and well-being among feminist activists and women’s rights defenders: Reflections from Burma and Palestine”: by Ginger Norwood

“How To Keep On Keeping On: Sustaining Ourselves in Community Organizing and Social Justice Struggles”  by Jen Plyler

Video Blog

White Activists and the Burnout of Activists of Color


Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World, a Guide for Activists and Their Allies by Pattrice Jones

In It For The Long Haul: Overcoming Burnout and Passion Fatigue as Social Justice Change Agents by Kathy Obear

The Idealist’s Survival Kit:75 Simple Ways to Prevent Burnout by Alessandra Pigni

The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the World without Losing Your Way by Hillary Rettig