
The Key is Focusing on What’s Strong, Not Wrong 

StrengthsGeorge Mason University and Gallup have partnered to create a Strengths-based culture on our campus. Students, faculty, and staff can take the CliftonStrengths assessment for free. Learn what your strengths are, and how to use them well!

One Assessment to Discover the One True You

Completing the CliftonStrengths online talent assessment is your way to:

  • Discover what you naturally do best
  • Learn how to develop your greatest talents
  • Use your customized results to live your best life

“What will happen when we focus on what was right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?” – Don Clifton

New Users

To get started with accessing the Gallup site, you’ll first need to register for an account by visiting the following link: you have created your Gallup account, you can proceed with the steps below.

  1. Avoid clicking on the ‘Single Sign-On’ button.
  2. Instead, please use your regular GMU NetID as your username, and a memorable passphrase like “wanderingThroughtheW00DS” for your password. Your NetID is everything before the “@” symbol in your Mason e-mail address. So, for example, if your Mason e-mail address is, then your NetID would be 123.  

IMPORTANT:  Do not use your Mason password (what you use for Blackboard or your Mason e-mail), as this password will be sent to the Gallup organization, and not to George Mason University when you sign in.

If you’ve tried the above steps and still can’t sign in, please try the following:

  • Double-check for any typos in your username and password.
  • Ensure that you’re using the correct Mason username without the “” part.
  • If the issue persists, please click the link that says: “Need help with your username or password?” on the sign-in screen to reset your Gallup password.
  • Once your password has been reset, please follow the steps mentioned above to log in.

Existing Users

To log in, go to If you’re an existing user, use your same username and password to log in, scroll down from your dashboard, and then click on “View Your CliftonStrengths Reports” to see your existing results. Please be informed that each student is entitled to one free assessment, assigned via your GMU login. Regrettably, retakes are not available. Ensure you make the most of this opportunity.

Please email if you have any questions or need support. We encourage open communication, and our team is ready to assist you.