Center for the Advancement of Well-Being

Join the MCK Committee


Why Join the MCK Committee? 

The Mason Chooses Kindness (MCK) Committee is a dedicated group of individuals who work together to promote our Pillars. The MCK Executive Leadership team is looking for individuals, representing diverse university-wide units/departments, to serve 2-year terms on the MCK Steering Committee. 

Role Expectations 

When serving a 2-year term on the MCK committee, members will be expected to: 

  • Attend monthly 1-hour steering committee meetings 
  • Serve on a working group/subcommittee and attend ad-hoc meetings scheduled by committee leads 
  • Be an MCK liaison to their office or department on campus to assist with marketing and programming efforts 
  • Contribute 1-3 hours a month outside of meetings to support large-scale MCK events that occur during the year (World Kindness Day, Mason Intentional Kindness Day, Kindness Ambassador Reception, etc.) 

Sign Up for the MCK Committee 

If you are interested in serving a 2-year term on the MCK Steering Committee, please fill out the MCK Committee Service Form and select one of our subcommittees. 

  • Pats for Patriots: Focuses on the promotion and expansion of the Pats for Patriots initiative –  Led by Phil Wilkerson 
  • Kindness Summit: Focuses on the planning of an Annual Kindness Summit to be held in Spring 2026 – Led by Al Fuertes 
  • Programming and Signature Events: Focuses on the planning and implementation of World Kindness Day, Kindness Ambassador Program, and Mason Intentional Kindness Day – Led by Zareena Khan 
  • Communications: Focuses on embedding kindness messaging into communication channels on campus – Led by Whitney Hopler 
  • Unit-Wide Implementation: Focuses on working with academic and non-academic units to implement MCK at the unit level using the MCK Unit Guidebook created by Costello College of Business – Led by Christine Landoll 

Sign Up for the MCK Committee! 

For more info, contact [email protected]. 


“Being a member of the Mason Chooses Kindness Committee has reaffirmed my love for George Mason University. As a proud graduate of GMU (Class of 2012) and a staff member since 2017, I have had the privilege of working alongside individuals who believe kindness is the foundation of a healthy, inclusive, and welcoming community. Leading the Pats for Patriots program has allowed me to witness firsthand the profound impact kindness can have on our campus, strengthening connections and fostering a culture of appreciation. I am grateful to be part of a committee that champions these values every day.” – Philip Wilkerson, Employer Engagement Consultant, University Career Services