Center for the Advancement of Well-Being


Sophrology for Well-Being

Sophrology is a dynamic relaxation method that can strengthen the well-being of both your body and your mind. Practicing sophrology involves techniques such as breathing, mental imagery, gentle movement, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation.

You can manage stress well by using sophrology practices – enjoying a calm mind and relaxed body in any situation.

Upcoming Sophrology Sessions

Register to join us for free online sessions of “Self-Regulation Techniques with Sophrology” on three upcoming Fridays – February 21, February 28, and March 7 – from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Learn special techniques to help relieve stress, release anxiety, manage emotions, and make better decisions.

Professor and neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo created and developed sophrology in Spain. In Europe, sophrology has been popular for decades in the corporate world, the education system, and the healthcare industry. Now its popularity is spreading around the world.

Sophrology exercises connect you with your body, as your body is the gateway into the present moment, and the present moment is the gateway to peace.

In sophrology, the body plays a special role in growing your awareness. The technique focuses deeply on body sensations and perceptions as a way to conquer a new state of awareness through the practice. Through different body positions (standing or sitting), using the voice and sound, visualization, or the alternation of stillness and movement, you are encouraged to notice and access subtle awareness of your biological self, expanding your ability to connect with yourself, your vital life force, and your life values.

You can practice sophrology with a qualified sophrologist or on your own. You can enjoy it anytime and anywhere, either alone or in a group, without requiring any special tools.

For more information about sophrology, contact our center’s Well-Being Program Specialist Ayce Bukulmeyen Ozerdem at [email protected].

Research on the Well-Being Benefits of Sophrology

This National Library of Medicine study explains how sophrology can help people dealing with anxiety.

This Complementary Medical Association study presents general information about sophrology.

This article from The Guardian explains how sophrology can lead to a better life.

This study explains the effects of sophrology on a positive lifestyle.

This NBC News article explains the development of sophrology in the United States.

This article explains sophrology as a well-being method and focuses on its positive effects.

This study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health shows the benefits that hospital staff experienced from sophrology.

This study published by ResearchGate explains sophrology’s development over four decades and its scientific status.