Center for the Advancement of Well-Being


Resources for Student Well-Being

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The Center for the Advancement of Well-Being supports student well-being at George Mason University in many ways. Students can thrive together at Mason through diverse opportunities in our well-being university community.

If you’re a student, check out our resources to help you connect with your community, take care of your mental and physical health, strengthen your ability to manage stress, and discover meaning and purpose!

Here are some student testimonials about our center’s work:

“It is empowering to feel capable of cultivating well-being, and being happy.”

“This is a great learning experience to improve on self-discovery and how to overcome adversity.”

“I learned about my strengths and weaknesses, how to improve myself, and how to enhance my strengths. One powerful message I took was to be positive and optimistic, especially during tough times like we are facing today. By having a positive attitude you become healthier, confident, and you trust yourself more on how to handle a certain situation.”

“In the past, I would focus on the negative and dwell on things I can’t change. Now, I view difficult tasks as a challenges and opportunities to learn new skills and put my adaptability to the test. I recognize that everyone goes through hard times – that I’m not alone and that mine can actually help me grow as a person and become stronger.”

“Even in diverse experiences there are points of common ground. Creating safe spaces for conversation is vital to deeply connecting with others and having productive interactions.”

“It’s reassuring to see that a community, like Mason, has students talking about cultivating well-being because it shows you that we are not alone on the journey. … We are all creating our own story.”